Showing posts with label Reflections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflections. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Facing the night

There is no other way
To escape the night
Than face the darkness
And live through it
But after every night
After every darkness
Comes the day

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Esker Realities

the alluring dreams
and the pressing realities
life sways precariously
in volatility
Darkened by inhibitions
of confusions and betrayals
Speed breaking bumps
pull me down
through potholed paths.
Life hangs on a tether
of callous emotions
and pervading thoughts
discarded and dissolved
in expensive smiles
and frozen tears.
Souls drudging
to shallow emptiness
and yet I must sync
my mental state of being
I climb up, step by step
enticed by the dreams
Bound by the realities
Pacing my karmic stride
to esker realities

Friday, December 14, 2012


Anonymity is my garb
Vagabond my personage
Faceless is my being
Outlander my name
mysterious are my ways
in guise of curiosities
and  heartless facades
Like a passing shadow
I am doomed to fade
cannot  unmask the mask
cannot star gaze your hopes
banish me to vanish
if ever I mar your dreams

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Flame at the wick

Let disputes die
Disasters perish
Coldness calm down

May luck transcend
Good vibes follow
and joyful aura

For every streak
A flaming spark
Lighten the trails

May dreams see
darkness subdued
and radiance gleam

And all through
May the flame at the wick
flare and flourish

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


the silhouette
knows not
the clouds floating
and yet afar
and I
a bystander
look on

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Gout torment  the geriatric
leaning on his walking stick
strained by a tottering pace
his back bent with years spent
the grey locks has its tales to tell
and the wrinkles on the brow
his shadow is a mere specter
of the frail frame he wears
bereft with the failing senses
he dodders on in senility
reminiscent of his salad days
beckoning from the yesteryear
He treads on his final leg
down the life’s last lane

Saturday, September 15, 2012


We are 
hard at work
for ever and evermore
The hands of time never stop
The wheels of life must run
on and on
at all times
in perpetuity
from dawn to dusk
from cradle to grave
pursuing verities
of sweet nothings
A paradox
of life wedged
in the coils of realities
We scurry on
till we exist no more

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sans poetic Sense

My  blog has gone  awry
All this while
sans the well timed posts
nonsensical though
yet endearing
to the poet

But I am not dead
i am still alive 
and somehow kicking

Poorer in thoughts
I am now bereft of the muse
So strange for a poet
words fail me
as  life tweaks

I strive hard
I strive against
and yet
can't maintain
the deft balance
I fear 
If I should
ever loose
my poetic sense

Monday, February 13, 2012

Am I a poet?

Am I a poet?
Can what I pen
be called Poems?
I ask myself
the mismatch
so surreal
It only baffles me

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


What is Nothing?

Nothing is
not anything

That is something
is not nothing

Nothing is something
that isn’t anything?

Something is nothing
when it isn’t anything

So to say
Nothing is nothing
But no
Nothing isn’t nothing
It is anything
infact everything
Nothing is something

Nothing is empty
Nothing is void
Absurd, vacant
Nothing is zero
But zero has its value
So does nothing

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

aim less

Many a paths
lead to 
what purpose 
are the paths
when there is no 

Friday, November 25, 2011

a passing thought

Of what purpose are the name and fame?
when  life is just a briefly played game
the mundane realities one can’t disclaim
someday the inevitable death shall proclaim
what remains then for one to acclaim?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I am lost totally
Betwixt two thoughts
One that says I should do it
the other asserts that I shouldn’t
I don’t know what I should do
Though I surely need to pick one
How do I resolve?
Shall I toss a coin?
Or simply close my eyes
and pick my choice in random
Huh, I can’t decide
I am at the cross roads
Of the inevitable dilemma
Unable to take the pick
What shall I do?
I don’t know
The road not taken
shall make the difference

Sunday, September 4, 2011

bogged DOWN

Tired I am running the life’s race
Forced glee and simulated exhilarations
in diverse courses and disparate pace
Often in uncommon asinine sensations

Romping life’s varied spanned game
Every day in and every day tediously out
And all the while, it’s just the same
the humdrum affairs of a life’s fallout

the greener grass on the other side
the varied temptations of the life
the ever flowing of the time and tide
will not even for a single moment thrive

there is momentary glory and bliss
in the unchained beauty of the rainbow
only that soon it shall all go amiss
all the worthless great pompous show

the exactitude of the illusive realities
the saccharine sweetness of the dreams
the derisive mocking of everyday formalities
bogs me down  to silent unsung screams

Friday, September 2, 2011

The beggar begs by the roadside
attired in tattered patched up rags
chanting some melancholic tunes
as we walk past by on the road
We care not to lend him a glance
let alone spare him a penny
We hear not his screams for alms
We understand no beggars tongue
that speaks loud even in deep silence
We know not his severed pride
and we won’t even spare a thought
the events driving him to the roads
Ah, how we look down on him
for he is a destitute and we are not
Ah, Is it wrong to be a beggar?
Who wants to be a beggar after all?

Saturday, August 27, 2011


cast some light
reveal me
illuminate my  soul
define my being
I don’t know myself

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Life demands
more than just living
in moments and hours
in days and nights

Life demands
Being more
Living more
Wanting more
and doing more

Life demands
hearing the silence
Searching the unfound
Knowing the unknown
Reaching the stars
and even beyond

the gaze
the haze
the laze
stalls the quest
and yet weakened

the plaguing denials
the blinding truths
veiled in darkness
the irony of the reality
the disillusionment
flamed and shamed

We only care to stare
but don't dare