Saturday, August 27, 2011


cast some light
reveal me
illuminate my  soul
define my being
I don’t know myself

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Life demands
more than just living
in moments and hours
in days and nights

Life demands
Being more
Living more
Wanting more
and doing more

Life demands
hearing the silence
Searching the unfound
Knowing the unknown
Reaching the stars
and even beyond

the gaze
the haze
the laze
stalls the quest
and yet weakened

the plaguing denials
the blinding truths
veiled in darkness
the irony of the reality
the disillusionment
flamed and shamed

We only care to stare
but don't dare

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Am I a bore?
a dim wit?
Good-for- nothing?

Well, I am
Just what I am
How I was created

Love me
If you must
As a person who I am

Not as
Who I should be
And what you like me to be

For I cannot change
the masterpiece of the creator
to your likes and dislikes

Friday, August 19, 2011

a dream not my own

Do I not have a dream
to call it my very own?

How could I survive
cherishing somebody
else’s dream?

Ah, let me wake up
to the illusive realities
than live in somebody’s dream

Thursday, August 11, 2011

On her deathbed

Here lies she
on her death bed
Dangling between life and death
In a dilemma of shattered hopes
Memories saturated with
Infidelities, hostilities
and deception

Who doesn’t fear death?
And indubitably she is afraid to die
And yet not keen to breathe alive
I can see that she is broken
She is consciously unconscious
she weeps and she cries
if only sobs and tears could touch hearts
if only grief could mend ways

She was never sick
Her health never betrayed her
Happiness was all that she sought in life
Smiles always donned her happy face
Till the blows of infidelity knocked her cold
She lost her senses then and called it quits
Seeking death that was even unwilling to come
And thus her life hangs between death and living

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A single tear

She stood there
Lost completely
in thoughtfulness
Everyone wept
but not she
She shed no tears
She did not cry
stone hearted

I wondered
If she knew no sadness
If she had no room for grief
For the corpse on the pyre
and her mother’s departed soul
She remained transfixed
in a deep reverie
trying hard to understand
and accept
the realities dawning on her
In all its coldness
And finally
a single tear drop fell

Some loss
Are so huge
Some sorrows
Cannot be expressed
just a single tear
expresses it all

Friday, August 5, 2011

Itched to write
A recluse of thoughts
lie entwined
almost lost
at the waking emotions
The heart craves
for an awakening
and ere the thoughts fade
I put my fingers to keys
have way with words
and throw together
Silly sentences
Failing often times
yet catching circle
in hungry air
My page fills
Searching eloquence
in expressiveness
A plain scribbler
that I am
and no less
for the itch to write

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


The dainty flower that blossoms today
Exuding fragrance and exquisite beauty
alluring the straying butterfly
Will wither to nothingness

The rainbow that curves the horizon
Shading in great magnificence
Captivating unknown hearts
Will vanish to oblivion
any moment

The shapely reddened apples
Sparkling ripe in the reaps of labour
Veering low the boughs in prosperity
Will be detached to fall

Name and fame, Power and pelf
The desire of every glorious soul
 A key to greatness in being
will crumble down  

Beauty and charm
That so captivates the beholder
And infatuates many a hearts
Will yield to wrinkles

The melodious songs of the nightingale
Warbled pleasantly from the woods
Soft and soothing to the soul
Will  come to an end

The greenness of the meadow
Where the squirrels dance and play
And bees and butterflies buzz around
Will turn grey
at the fall

The sun that radiates the universe
Shining rays of  winning smiles
In the warmth of its glory
will sink  beyond the horizon
at the end of the day

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tears tell the tale

image source:
When emotions run amok
and feelings go amiss
Sorrows saturate into tears
Venting an out-pour
Tears wet the eyes
drowns the heart
Every teardrop
Has its story to tell
Every tear fall
Falls heavy with a pain
and breaks a sweet dream

Tears don’t move some hearts
cold and void of warmth
Some hearts don't perceive
the depth of words
I won't lament my tears
Let it flow to hollow abyss
of regrets and remorse
Let hearts break
and dreams fade
I won’t care
Life is a paradox
Tears don’t move hearts
Tears are thinner than blood

Monday, August 1, 2011

Feather in the wind

Image credit: Jesus Gutierrez Gomez via Flickr
at times high
other times low
like dandelions in the air
my mind wanders
far and wide
a feather in the wind

in multitude of thoughts
vexed in its profanity
fully pent up
swirling pukes of insanity
vying for a vent of outpour
ah! an absurd existence

Pleasing words
echoing sweetness
lug confusions at times
even the charming face
puckers the want of expression
for the "saddest thoughts"
and the "sweetest songs"

and sadness
are the dividers of life
weighed on a seesaw
life, a centre peg
must hold in place
the varied verities

the everyday angst
sing the insipid lyrics
seeking the grace of god
to imbue the sporadic chasms
Mend the dizzying spasms
while the mind still flutters
a feather in the wind

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thistles and thorns

Life is incomplete
Even in its total perfections
Without the misgivings

A rose is still wanting
in its fragrant charms
Without the thorns

Happiness and sadness
Are the thistles and thorns
Like the days and nights

Thistles and thorns
Are the part of life
The essence of all sentience

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Dog Poops

A bastard pooch
son of a bitch
squats on all its fours
in perfect symmetry
fore limbs locked
hind limbs Z shaped
retaining the stability
absorbing the  shock
its spine curled in an arch
perchance for easy discharge
shoulders held back
head looking from side to side
ensuring no rear obstructions
ears drooping low, tail erect
eyes almost closed
and so poops out its crap thus

The holy shit
in all its glory
like a sausage
almost mouth watering
hot and fresh
grilled and tanned
peeps out just a little
retaining itself almost inside
the homely intestines
refusing to budge
and gush out the anal door

The fanged canine toils
shitty faced and  spent
struggles it all out
tasking all adipose
from head to the toes
and yet all the while
just a piece  droops out
and hangs precariously
the stray vagabond
in all its uneasiness
in all difficulty struggles
fighting against
an everyday process
so easy otherwise
but failing this time
It prays and probably thinks
“Come on shit, fall out fast
for heaven’s sake
Spare me
Spare my sphincter”
Can’t someone help
the poor soul
out of the crappy misery?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


It was not to be
but destiny had its plans
for your happiness

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When are you coming?

When are you coming?
It’s been only a while
That you are gone
But it already seems
Like it’s been ages

Come back soon
I can’t walk the paths alone
I can’t trust the strangers
That I meet on the way
I seek your unfailing company

The nights are long and eerie
Even my shadow fades in the dark
Everything is cold around
Won’t you come back soon?
Loneliness is killing me

Attending to the realities around
we must run the life’s race
Let us not forget the karmic union
Hope you are coming soon
I am always waiting

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Image from google
Smoke and dust fill the air
Moans and groans heard everywhere
Destruction aplenty on the ground
Fallen bodies are everywhere found
No cries can bring the dead alive
No condolences can heal the wounds
No words can soothe the shattered lives
The wicked face of terror has gnarled
Its devilish horns have once again gored
Its brutal fangs have heartlessly clawed
to tear apart the race of humanity
Terrorists, aren’t you humans too?

Monday, July 11, 2011

I toiled my efforts
often soiling my hands
stacking piles of sands
arduously, patiently
with gentle caring touches
in mere playfulness
against every force
bringing the mounds down
not withstanding 
the slightest annoyance
and  as I labored
over and over again
the piles of sands mound to shape
a  beautiful castle breathes alive
My Taj Mahal is up
I am amused at my creation
and gaze spellbound
at the wonder of the genesis
when the waves break on the shore
unannounced, uninviting
and rolls back momentarily
leaving my castle ruined

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Am I rich or poor?

I am not rich
Like most rich men
I do not have a good bank balance
Nor do I carry a thick purse
I do not own estates
Nor posh cars and buildings
I do not have the luxury
of keeping consorts
I do not gamble at high stakes
and I do not smoke
the doubly taxed foreign fags
I am not blessed with riches
I am not rich
Like most rich men of today
But I ain’t poor either
I have a healthy body
Complete with all senses
I have a happy job
For my three square meals
I have a good night’s sleep
With sweet dreams to cherish
I have a marriage
tied in silken knots of love
and vows of faith and trust
Not of infidelities and deception
I have rich thoughts
and richer feelings and emotions
Life’s trivial problems
aren’t a big burden
I have a life worth living
What else can I wish for?
Am I rich or poor?
What are riches without happiness?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is all well?

Culture degrading
Values dying
More westernizing
Is all well?

Climate changing
Snows melting
Forests thinning
Is all well?

Crimes on rise
Peace otherwise
Unsafe all over
Is all well?

Nation in transition
Democracy young
Confusions many
Is all well?

Many impositions
Many bans
Black market
Is all well?

Many laws
Stern actions
Receipt a must
Is all well?

Father gambling
Mother drinking
Children into gangs
Is all well?

Bigger world
Narrowed mind
Is all well?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


image credit: mikko lagerste
There is no answer
in the stillness of the darkness
except the silence of the night
so ghostly frightening
even a faraway glowing light
grows faint and dimmer
The quiet wind can’t be trusted
The  stars are too far away
to light up my loneliness
I know you will not walk with me
down the eerie dark path
and acquiesce my whims
I won’t solicit your company
I am acclimatized to loneliness
I shall befriend the frightening night
Seek courage in a depth of a whiskey glass
and forge ahead into the darkness
all through, all alone

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Distant stars

Invisible winds
Wretched thoughts
A careless journey
Unavoidable truths
And the distant stars