Saturday, April 23, 2011

Footprints in the sands of time
The silken scarf,
in auspicious shades
proffers down the golden throne,
to adorn you the honours
of blessed glory
and noble recognition
of a job well done.

Standing out amidst the odds;
You sailed against the tides.
With immeasurable wisdom and experience,
in unwavering self less service,
Your confidence ever soared.
Even the occasional storm
could not sweep you off your feet.
You captained the ship,
to accomplish the aspirations
of the noble visions of GNH,
towards the subjugation of crime
dispensing the fragrance of peace.
You are the saving grace
from public antipathy
to bonds of partnership.

For the welfare of your men,
You touched every nook,
Your own comfort came last.
Nothing tires you down
You are indeed a workaholic.

You brought home the bacon,
You deserve the laurels.
What else could we ask for?
Your success is our pride.

In bonds of eternal camaraderie,
your men cherish your success,
On this joyous occasion,
in respect and sublime bliss,
with profound felicitations,
All ranks salute you,
Trashi Delek,  Dear Sir.

May you ever rise so high,
Think hence ever so vast,
Lead us ever so forth;
Your retinues are at your heels.
You are our guiding star,
The torch to light our path,
Lead us on, oh My Chief,
and leave footprints in the sand of time.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

soldier story

Image source:
All women are my mothers
sisters and daughters
all men, my fathers
brothers and sons
humanity is not my enemy
I am not the Beelzebub
I do not kill the ones I hate
I protect the ones I love
I am just bound in my solemn oath
to get going when going gets tough
I live by sheer chance
I love by choice 
and i kill by profession
for I am a soldier
I will sacrifice my todays
for your tomorrows 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Empty lines
are sans answers,
have no questions
truth defies everything
how can
one read between the lines
when the lines are empty

Friday, April 15, 2011


You came
through the clouds
your smile
dispelled  the darkness
you said the words
i longed to hear
since ages
you led me by my hands
and i tagged along
ever so happily
bereft of the hustle
and the bustle
we danced in the clouds
the moon smiled on us
the earth far below
there was only us
you embraced me
and planted
a tender kiss 
on my cheek
i was almost melting 
in your arms
when I woke up
from my slumber
What a dream it was
Ah! Dreams are indeed 
sweeter than realities

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Read my silence

photo by eqqman via flickr

You presume
what I tell you
is not at all true
you mistrust
almost anything
that finds voice
on my lips
so what shall I tell you
and how do I do it
draw your lines
know its depth
read my mind
or my silence

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring is here again

Spring is here again
and the flowers are blooming
The butterflies are out on their wings
and it tempts my wretched heart
to see the butterflies sway
in the fragrance of the early bloom
How I wish I were a butterfly
I would flutter far and wide
and happily amongst the blossoms glide
intoxicate myself in hypnotic embrace
of the charming beauty vastly spread
the pleasing glory of the spring
the majestic queen of all seasons
when butterflies dance and birds sing 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My bundle of joy

The tiny hands
that once rocked the cradle
to my joy and laughter

The softened voice
that now calls me apa
and quizzes me
with queer queries

The restive  toddler
clutching on to me
like a shadow
tagging along
at my heels

The cheerful face
that hails my return home
every time
in elation
gratifications to relish

The truant
playing many tricks
and pranks
heightening the mother’s

are the laps
down the memory lane
run by the apple of my eyes,
my bundle of joy
my joy for ever

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

nightly loneliness

You are leaving
like the sun
on the yonder horizon
I do not mind
the setting sun
i know
it shall rise again
ushering in another dawn
another day
I fear
the silence
of the strange night
the engulfing darkness
that is tearing me 

Can I survive the night
Can I make it 
the darkness
without you
all alone

Sunday, April 3, 2011


A six-year-old HIV-positive child named Along lives all alone in his rundown home in Nieucheping village of Liuzhou city in Southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang after both his parents died from the deadly virus. He receives 70 yuan of subsistence allowance per month from the local civil bureau  and periodical material supplies from kindhearted people. Other times, he has been collecting wood to support himself.  Source (including photos):

I was so touched with grief that it prompted the following lines of haiku. May god bless the boy or death take him away too.

at tender six years
burdened to make  his  ends meet
toils he day and night

lonesome and gamesome
unawares of impending death
boy, ball and shadow

In an unkind world
Love and affection unknown
mere walking shadow

Silence for a friend
Loneliness and fear his guests
Living silhouette

 Light darkening fast
Surviving sans a future
Cruel and unfair world

 Rose nipped ere its bloom
Despair hopes and lost future
Cant death take him away?