Showing posts with label Love Life and Loneliness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Life and Loneliness. Show all posts

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fallen flower
just yesterday
It got on
in all efflorescence
freshness of hues
majestic shades
glorified radiance
sweet fragrance
of a full bloom
blinding onlookers
in beauty,  that spoke
many languages

its fallen today
in the dust
amidst rotting foliage
a shrinking piece
blazing grey
beauty dwindling
to be trampled
to nothingness
life ebbing away
only silence speaks
sans words
the lost colour of life

nothing holds till eternity
save the memories
and memories are intoxicating at times

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alone again

She came
as promised
she called
as she stood
at the gate
inviting me
into her arms

I showed myself
from a distance
She signaled
an invitation
But I couldn’t go

She stood there
unable to understand me
and my intentions
for my calling
and the failing

I waved her a bye
and left her
standing still
and now I am
all alone

Monday, December 13, 2010

sans You

I am still the rainbow
sans the hues

I am still the food
sans the taste

I am still the night
sans its darkness

I am still the day
sans its glory

I am still the stars
sans its twinkle

I am still the moon
sans its eclipse

I am still the sun
sans its radiance

I am still the bird
 sans its chirps

I am still the song
sans the melodies

I am still me
sans YOU

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sweet nothings
I have been
glued to my sofa
for hours on end now
my eyes weary
still gazes at the screen
my fingers numb
pecks the letters
I dillydally
I  murmur
my  sweet nothings

distanced by realities
and dissociated by veils
I have known you
understood you
felt you near
and felt your feelings too
seen your happiness
and your smiles
even your  wrath at times
the vastness of your thoughts
the verbosity of your expression
the verity of your affections
the warmth of your heart
and the depth of your love
all through your  words
that transports me
to some unknown realms
of  magical dreams
Shall I call it
a paradise of love?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kudi Punjab Di

The bugle tolled the end of a yet another day
and hostel bound as I was winding up my way,
lost in dismal thoughts long gone astray
My tired eyes did not fail to see
A soni kudi Punjab di* when crossed by me
With a friend and engaged in a talk,
Perhaps she was out for an evening walk.
So much grandeur and beauty even in her stalk
Joy and laughter, much had her youthful face to show
While not a tint of sorrow could be seen on her brow
Oh! how much I yearned to walk up to her
and introduce myself and start a friendship dear
But alas, the courage within me could not be found
As my cowardice simply kept me bound
While she not caring even to throw a look around
carried on unawares with her usual round.
The passing opportunity I could not catch
But  I have her face to remember and the smile to match
I watched and watched and still watched some more
Long after my sight could catch her no more.
* Beautiful girl of Pujab

Friday, November 5, 2010

The crossed path
Here I am in a distant faraway place.
a vagabond by nature and without a saving grace
and this girl i meet gives me a hidden glance,
and I am left to understand this sheer chance.

Her grandpa tells me that she is married,
so said her mother and her sisters too,
but she insists on that she was never married,
and I do not understand what is actually true.

I feel her white haired grandpa will never lie,
her mother and sisters too will not lie by and by.
Then why is it that she fervently lies,
oh, it's hard to understand those silent sighs.

I wonder if she is just joking with me.
or that she is simply mocking at me.
Is it that she is just flirting with me.
or is it that she is indirectly wooing me.

Her youthful face to me seems somehow cute,
and her speech when she talks is almost mute.
Her shying away smile is worth its plight,
for it has disturbed this heart's peace of delight.

My friends are taking chances to woo her,
and I too can't help stealing certain glances at her.
While it's true that opposite poles attract each other:
I only wish that my delicate heart would not falter.

I asked her that if she would go with me,
Her reply was affirmative with utmost glee,
I wish she would know that she is so young,
and that to someone else, I already belong.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Friendship under facade

Two individuals
wearing different facades,
of veiled identities
stumbled upon each other
one day,
along life’s winding journey
through the sands of time
and  started a friendship
over a brief acquaintance,
in charmed  anonymity.

Unknown each to the other
Total strangers were they,
Known only by the guise,
They sailed along.
Never to be thawed by reasons
Nor be vexed by seasons,
Their friendship soared
in amiable curiosity
and pleasant serenity,
Their persona sacrificed
for friendship under the façade.

Treasuring sweetness beneath the veils,
They cherished knowing the unknown,
They despised removing their veils
for should the veil be removed
The façade would disappear
into the bitter woes of reality
and reality can be hurtful at times.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life is a memory

Life is all memory
set amidst
the complexities
of time
for the brief moment
at hand
and that too
escaping into the past
in gradual leaps,
to be
memories of tomorrow.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The countdown
The clock ticking every seconds,
The year somehow had passed;
a fortnight and a day more to go
in the final countdown of your arrival.
though the setting sun had risen,
and the rising sun had set;
The waiting albeit had been long;
The time is here for you to come;
come to the place where you belong
our home wherein we are to make,
our promises therein, we are to cherish,
The journey of life herein we are to tread,
The togetherness that will lead on.
The countdown eases my waiting;
The sacrifice a year has cost,
The faith the year has not diminished,
Though the year for me had been tough
and the paths without you so rough.
yet my solemn swearings are still strong
my conscience for you is still clear
you are being waited, my dear

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Market meeting

Flocks of people
engaged their ways
trotted by unnoticed
at a snail's pace
all amidst the moment
my roving glance
your shying away look
head over heels
its infatuation.