Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Friendship under facade

Two individuals
wearing different facades,
of veiled identities
stumbled upon each other
one day,
along life’s winding journey
through the sands of time
and  started a friendship
over a brief acquaintance,
in charmed  anonymity.

Unknown each to the other
Total strangers were they,
Known only by the guise,
They sailed along.
Never to be thawed by reasons
Nor be vexed by seasons,
Their friendship soared
in amiable curiosity
and pleasant serenity,
Their persona sacrificed
for friendship under the façade.

Treasuring sweetness beneath the veils,
They cherished knowing the unknown,
They despised removing their veils
for should the veil be removed
The façade would disappear
into the bitter woes of reality
and reality can be hurtful at times.

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